Hi! My name is
Brian Pham
I am a Software Engineer who specializes in building immersive web experiences.
About Me
Hello! My name is Brian and I am a software engineer who enjoys designing and developing things that live on the internet. My interest in web development began when I was playing around with customizing my GeoCities website back when dinosaurs roamed. This was further cultivated when I took my first programming/computing course in college which I loved so much that I obtained a Specialization in Computer Science from UCLA alongside my Bachelor's in Biology.
Fast forward to today and I've completed the Software Engineering program from General Assembly. I've developed several fullstack applications and worked alongside teams and clients to bring various projects to fruition. Please feel free to contact me about anything or to just say hello!
Graduated from UCLA with a Specialization in Computer Science, B.S. Biology
Ecommerce business owner
Graduated in Software Engineering from General Assembly
Jr Software Engineer at Entera.ai
Promoted to Software Engineer at Entera.ai

The Exhibit
A hybrid ecommerce/social media MEN full-stack application where users can upload, share, comment, like, purchase, and sell artwork. Users can also follow artists to have a customized feed as well as message each other through a built-in messaging system. Payments are processed using the Stripe API. File uploading is done through AWS.
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node
- Javascript

Full stack city blogging application built for a group of clients where users can create articles and make comments on their world travels. Engaged with clients daily in order to develop a project while navigating the clients' feature list. Proactively coordinated a team to execute user story sprints and wireframes as designed by the clients.
- Django
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Bootstrap
Full stack social media website where users can discuss, like, favorite, and share their love of film. Collaborated in a team of two to specialize in development tasks as well as exercise pair programming skills. Applied RESTful programming with a MEN stack to handle CRUD operations. Implemented user authentication, authorization, and sessions in the backend for security to verify and restrict users from accessing unauthorized portions of the website.
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node
- Javascript

Island Survival
A browser game where you crashed on an island and have to survive by managing health, thirst, and hunter to 10 years before escaping to win. An easter egg and the true ending can be found if you name yourself 'Wilson'. The game utilizes The Simpsons assets for animations and user experience enhancements. Players have the option of choosing different characters to play as, which will accordingly adjust the assets they are served during gameplay.
- Javascript
- CSS3
- jQuery
My Development Toolbox
Javascript | Python | Typescript | CSS3 |
Django | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | RESTful Routing |
React.js | Express.js | Node.js | Embedded JS |
DTL | AWS | HTML5 | Bulma |
Bootstrap | jQuery | Java | C++ |